2022 AAPPS-APCTP C.N. Yang Award Ceremony
- Title: 2022 AAPPS-APCTP C.N. Yang Award Ceremony
- Date: 22 August (Mon.) 2022, 13:30-14:00 & 16:00-17:30 (KST/GMT+9)
- Venue: ZOOM Live Streaming & Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
- Participants who will be able to attend the ceremony in person, kindly reply to (Dayoung Yang, Staff of APCTP).
- Zoom link: When entering, please rename as your full name (affiliation). *E.g. Gildong Hong (APCTP)
- Meeting ID: 850 5856 8822 / Passcode: 1234 (in case required)