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 Faculty Positions in Physics, Applied physics and Astrophysics at National Taiwan University

Faculty Positions in Physics, Applied physics and Astrophysics at National Taiwan University

The Department of Physics, the Graduate Institute of Applied Physics and the Graduate Institute of Astrophysics of National Taiwan University seek to fill several faculty positions, effective August 2023, at the Assistant, Associate or Full Professor level commensurate with qualifications. Serious consideration will be given to outstanding candidates in all fields of physics. Priority will be given to candidates who research focus on cutting edge condensed matter physics and high energy physics. For condensed matter physics, we welcome applicants with excellent credential in cutting-edge research related to quantum science and materials, implementation and development of spectroscopic/microscopic techniques based on synchrotron or neutron radiation, spin qubits in silicon and germanium, and quantum condensed matter theory. Candidates with other excellent track-record of research not mentioned above will definitely be given serious consideration. Our department offer competitive and collaborative research environment, and are equipped with broad range of research facilities, such as transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron/tunneling microscopy, ultrafast optical spectroscopy, dilution fridge, SQUID, and etc. For high-energy physics, serious consideration will be given to outstanding candidates with research focus on high energy phenomenology, including collider physics and flavor physics. National Center for Theoretical Science located right next to the physics building and Center for Theoretical Physics in the physics building are dedicated to conduct various theoretical studies, including high energy physics. These two centers provide an environment for cooperation and idea exchanges. Candidates should be able to teach effectively at both graduate and undergraduate levels, and conduct a vigorous research program at the same time. Postdoctoral or faculty experience is highly desirable. Applications should be submitted through Academic jobs online and should include a CV, list of publications, a statement of research interests, and three letters of recommendation.(Address of web page: Please make sure all the materials arrive before Dec. 1st, 2022. Application review will begin on Dec. 1, 2022, until all positions are filled.
Job information / 2022-08-05
 National Central University is seeking qualified candidates for the position of the Dean of College of Science

National Central University is seeking qualified candidates for the position of the Dean of College of Science

1. National Central University is seeking qualified candidates for the position of the Dean of College of Science.2. This position is for a three‐year term that may be extended for a second term. The commencement date of the deanship is August 1, 2022.3. The College of Science includes Department of Mathematics, Department of Physics, Department of Chemistry, Department of Optics and Photonics, Joint Science Program of College of Science, Graduate Institute of Statistics, Graduate Institute of Astronomy, Center for Complex Systems, Thin Film Technology Center, Center for Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Detector Center and Science Education Center, Quantum Technology Center.4. Candidate must meet the following minimum requirements: a. The successful candidate should be forward looking, have a proven leadership record, hold broad international perspectives, and havean outstanding research track in sciences.b. The candidate should hold or have held a full professorship at a reputable university or equivalent, and be able to communicate effectively in Mandarin.c. The candidate should have at least 2 years of administrative experience at an academic or research institution.5. Application materials should include resume, publications list and relevant information (descriptions of academic and research accomplishments and the names, addresses, phone numbers, and e‐mail addresses of three references) before April 29, 2022 by mail or e‐mail to:The office of the Search Committee, College of ScienceNational Central University,No. 300, Zhongda Rd., Zhongli District, Taiwan 32001, R.O.C.Phone: +886‐3‐4254314; fax: +886‐3‐2806317; email: All interested parties are invited to visit our web page at
Job information / 2022-03-28
 Faculty Position in Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica

Faculty Position in Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica

本所擬延攬研究人員 (含助研究員、副研究員、研究員各等級, 相當於各大學院校之助理教授、副教授、教授)。歡迎從事以下相關領域研究之學者,加入物理所的研究團隊。應徵者必須具有博士或相當之學歷,並有適當之博士後研究經歷。
■   量子材料物理領域 Quantum Materials Physicsü   Electronic and spin correlated physics in emergent materials
ü   Surface and interface physics
ü   Growths and characterizations of nanomaterials
ü   Quantum electronics devices
ü   Nano-bio science and technology
ü   Theoretical condensed matter physics■   中高能物理領域 Intermediate and High Energy Physicsü   Collider Physics
ü   Astroparticle Physic and Cosmology
ü   Neutrino Physics
ü   Hadron Physics and QCD
ü   Particle physics phenomenology
ü   Gravitation Physics■   生物動態領域Active and Biological Systems (ABS)ü   Polymer physics, soft matter physics, and rheology
ü   Biomolecular physics and cellular physics
ü   Collective phenomena, synchronization, and chaos in non-linear systems
ü   Complex fluids in micro- and nano-fluidics

Job information / 2020-12-01
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