
114學年度 國立中央大學物理系求才

件透過Academicjobsonline ( https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/28122 ) 網站上傳申



四、聯 絡 人:楊仲準教授(e-mail: chunchuenyang@ncu.edu.tw); 劉怡貞 (e-mail:
ncu5300@ncu.edu.tw, TEL: 03-4253749)

五、聯絡地址:桃園市中壢區中大路300號 國立中央大學 物理系辦公室

Faculty Positions in the Department of Physics at National Central University, Taiwan.

The Department of Physics ( https://www.phy.ncu.edu.tw ) at National Central University in Taoyuan, Taiwan, invites applications for tenure-track positions with the appointment starting on August 1, 2025. Applicants in all areas of physics are welcome. Successful candidates are expected to establish a strong and independent research program, obtain research funding, commit to excellent teaching, and supervise students.

The application materials should be submitted through Academicjobsonline (https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/28122). Complete applications should include a cover letter, a full curriculum vitae with a complete publication record, a research statement, and a teaching statement. Candidates should arrange for three confidential letters of reference to be submitted through Academicjobsonline. To ensure full consideration, all application materials should be received before November 30, 2024.  Any queries about the position should be directed to Professor Chun-Chuen Yang ( chunchuenyang@ncu.edu.tw )