


起聘日期: 2025年8月1日




來函備妥: (1)詳細學經歷表及著作目錄表










網址:http://www.mse.ntu.edu.tw  Email:msentu@ntu.edu.tw


Multiple Tenure-track Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor Positions at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Taiwan University Available

General Requirements:

1-3 tenure-track faculty positions at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering (Dept. of MSE) of National Taiwan University are available, with the appointments beginning on August 1st, 2025.

Qualifications for application include a Ph.D. degree in materials science or a science/engineering discipline, an outstanding research record, and specialty in at least one of the following areas:

(1)      emergent materials

(2)      ceramic materials and ceramic-based composites

(3)      polymer science and soft materials

(4)      energy materials

(5)      electronic materials.

The ability to teach in English is also required.

Application Information:

All applicants must submit their applications via mail to the Chair of the Dept. of MSE at the address “No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Da'an Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan (R.O.C.)” before the November 22nd, 2024 deadline to apply.

The following information must be included in the application:

(1)      C.V.

(2)      Copy of Ph.D. diploma. Note: for candidates with a Ph.D. degree from an overseas institution, their copies will have to be certified by an overseas embassy/consular/office of R.O.C. (Taiwan) if they reach the finalist stage of the hiring process.

(3)      E-mail addresses of three referees; applicants for an assistant professor position should include their doctoral dissertation supervisor(s) in the three referees.

(4)      Copies of undergraduate and graduate transcripts.

(5)      Reprints of 3-5 selected publications published within 5 years of application.

(6)      Brief statement of future research undertaking.

(7)      Brief statement of teaching plans and course outlines for 2-3 courses that the candidate would be able to teach in English.

Currently, the Dept. of MSE is looking for candidates planning to offer some of the following courses: ceramic physics, ceramic-matrix composites, electronic ceramics, electronic packaging, electronic materials-related courses, polymer chemistry, physical chemistry of polymers, polymer physics, polymer composites, polymer processing (rheology), and other courses related to emergent materials.



Compensations are determined according to government-published scales. There are several regularly available opportunities for merit-based bonus pay for new hires,  including Yushan Scholars and Yushan Young Scholars Programs of the Ministry of Education, Outstanding Scholars Program of National Taiwan University, Merit Pay for Recruiting and Retaining Exceptionally Outstanding Faculty Members Programs of the Ministry of Education, and Outstanding Talent Foundation Program. The department offers assistance to eligible new hires in applying for such programs.


Faculty Recruiting Committee

Department of Materials Science and Engineering

National Taiwan University

No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road

Taipei 10617, Taiwan

Website: http://www.mse.ntu.edu.tw

E-mail: msentu@ntu.edu.tw

