

【講題】From the hot-atom source of heralded single photons to the cold-atom many-body system of dark-state polaritons

【時間】3/11(二) 14:00



【摘要】The effect of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) has attracted great attention in quantum information science due to its quantum nature of light-matter interface. Slow light arising from the EIT effect greatly enhances the interaction time between light and matters. The EIT-based light storage coherently transfers wave functions between photons and atoms. In this talk, I will report our recent progresses on the hot-atom source of narrowest-linewidth and high-brightness heralded single photons and the cold-atom system of dark-state polaritons for the realization of Bose-Einstein condensation, both of which are based on the EIT effect. Our works have made the significant advancements in quantum technology, and can lead to the applications of quantum communication and quantum simulators.

【接待人】周家復特聘研究員兼副所長 (中央研究院物理研究所)



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