

★優勝 得獎人學校單位發表編號陳福祥國立陽明交通大學PP-SL-013郭淑華國家同步輻射研究中心PP-SL-045胡逸凡國立臺灣大學PP-SL-081劉錚國立成功大學PP-SOE-048張瑀真國立臺灣師範大學PP-SOE-073梁伯維國立臺灣大學PP-SOE-090廖峻德國立成功大學PP-SOE-101陳威翰國立陽明交通大學PP-SOE-123陳彥成國立陽明交通大學PP-MSP-012許延齡國立彰化師範大學PP-MSP-026許吉松國立高雄大學PP-SC-019吳昇展國立成功大學PP-OP-039王彥又國立臺灣大學PP-OP-068劉思彤國立臺灣大學PP-OP-091Chia-Ni Tsai中央研究院PP-BPI-029吳采穎國立臺灣大學PP-BPI-031蕭晨妤國立中央大學PP-SM-010朱凱翊國立中央大學PP-QI-019王純一國立清華大學PP-PF-036陳韋安中央研究院PP-AG-036凌郁涵國立中央大學PP-AG-037馬麗婷國立清華大學PP-AG-057賴柏維國立清華大學PP-PP-009劉哲宇國立成功大學PP-AI-002陳伯煒國立中央大學PP-AM-002謝孟麟國立彰化師範大學PP-PT-004盧弘惟國立中興大學PP-EES-030★佳作得獎人學校單位發表編號邱翔彬國立臺灣大學PP-SL-002胡翔淇國立臺灣師範大學PP-SL-007蔡湕辰國立臺灣師範大學PP-SL-021楊子萱國立臺灣師範大學PP-SL-028高睿成國立陽明交通大學PP-SL-033王渝涵國立中央大學PP-SL-041謝慶霖國立中央大學PP-SL-047洪湘評國立成功大學PP-SL-049沈盈均國立清華大學PP-SL-056陳冠豪國立陽明交通大學PP-SL-063紀政宏國立臺灣大學PP-SL-066林宛宣國立台北科技大學PP-SOE-046吳芳儒國立臺灣科技大學PP-SOE-053謝岳呈國立臺灣科技大學PP-SOE-057余佳旻國立中央大學PP-SOE-058Carlo Sta. Maria國立東華大學PP-SOE-064蔡惟宸國立台北科技大學PP-SOE-067簡士博國立臺灣師範大學PP-SOE-080Chia-Jung Lee國立臺灣師範大學PP-SOE-084邵葆雯國立陽明交通大學PP-SOE-093張永昇國立成功大學PP-SOE-100黃炳琛國立清華大學PP-SOE-118Aswin kumar Anbalagan國立清華大學PP-SOE-124林子鈴淡江大學PP-SOE-135林奕安淡江大學PP-SOE-145姚烜鈞中央研究院PP-SOE-154蔡欣穎國立中山大學PP-SOE-158劉仕渝國立臺灣師範大學PP-MSP-004洪詩閔國立屏東大學PP-MSP-023徐孺國立中正大學PP-MSP-024劉恩沛淡江大學PP-MSP-034胡煜欣國立臺灣師範大學PP-MSP-037朱彥儒淡江大學PP-MSP-046鄭仁傑國立清華大學PP-MSP-049張哲豪國立臺灣大學PP-MSP-051詹皓喆國立陽明交通大學PP-SC-002翁焌峰國立清華大學PP-SC-010顏君倢中央研究院PP-SC-028Gennevieve Macam國立中山大學PP-SC-033李宥驊國立陽明交通大學PP-OP-034晏德心國立臺灣大學PP-OP-036李定山國立臺灣大學PP-OP-038林翰廷國立清華大學PP-OP-048黃雋華國立清華大學PP-OP-056陳昱瑄國立成功大學PP-OP-062黃星瑋國立清華大學PP-OP-079賴姵辰國立清華大學PP-OP-080盧冠廷國立成功大學PP-OP-083蔡宛臻國立中正大學PP-OP-096陳芷韻國立中央大學PP-BPI-040Pooja Manik Badgujar國立東華大學PP-BPI-043廖婉淇中國醫藥大學PP-BPI-044黃芊穎國立東華大學PP-BPI-049Wrenit Gem Pearl Irudayaraj國立東華大學PP-BPI-052陳品翰國立清華大學PP-BPI-062林子婷國立中央大學PP-SM-004施俊臣國立中正大學PP-SM-024莊翔崴國立臺灣大學PP-SM-025郭橒樺國立成功大學PP-QI-011丁建鈞國立清華大學PP-QI-014Thi Minh Thuan Nguyen國立陽明交通大學PP-PF-010沈聿陞國立中央大學PP-PF-011黃顥國立成功大學PP-PF-024梁駿聲國立陽明交通大學PP-PF-026王柏雅淡江大學PP-AG-001王耀德國立臺灣大學PP-AG-003蕭予揚國立清華大學PP-AG-004廖政霖國立臺灣大學PP-AG-013凌志騰國立清華大學PP-AG-014林彥興國立清華大學PP-AG-015黃致穎國立台北科技大學PP-AG-021施驊珊國立中央大學PP-AG-023鄭豫立國立中央大學PP-AG-027謝天國立臺灣大學PP-AG-043王皓陞國立清華大學PP-AG-054郭名翔國立成功大學PP-PP-004陳漢偉國立中央大學PP-PP-005林怡雯國立清華大學PP-PP-016張慕歆國立成功大學PP-AI-003林保廷國立清華大學PP-AI-004吳語萱國立臺灣師範大學PP-AM-001Hoang-Loc Thi Ngo國立清華大學PP-AM-009黃祺翔國立臺灣師範大學PP-PT-002楊念承東吳大學PP-PT-008侯庭宇國立高雄大學PP-PT-009陳姿如國立台北科技大學PP-EES-007范祺展國立臺灣海洋大學PP-EES-012陳又瑞國立臺灣師範大學PP-EES-020孫允萱國立陽明交通大學PP-EES-024
 國立陽明交通大學生醫光電研究所 誠徵專任助理教授(含)以上教師一名

國立陽明交通大學生醫光電研究所 誠徵專任助理教授(含)以上教師一名

一、應徵資格1.學歷:具教育部認可之國內外大學博士學位2.專精領域: 包含(但不限於)生醫光電、智慧與精準醫療等相關領域3.條件:(1)具備獨立研究能力並有研究成果發表於國際期刊(2)具教學熱忱,能參與系上教學與服務(3)具備英語授課能力(4)具團隊合作精神,能參與整合型研究計畫 二、應徵資料 (請掃描成電子檔)1.個人履歷(需註明中文姓名)2.學經歷證書影本(如已具教育部訂證書請檢附影本,如為國外學歴者,必須加蓋經我國駐當地國之駐外單位驗證戳記)3.著作目錄及最近五年代表著作抽印本(影本)4.未來擬從事與生醫光電領域相關之研究計畫5.可開授課程之教學計劃及相關教學經驗6.其他有助於申請之資料(如成績單ヽ得獎或專利等等)7.推薦函至少二封(内含推薦者姓名地址電話及E-mail address)◎請注意:a、上述資料,請申請人合成pdf檔,以申請人姓名為檔名。b、申請人對上傳資料有確實申報之責切勿造假,本所將逐一核對論文發表資訊之正確性。c、必要時本所將請申請人提供書面資料。三、申請方式:應徵者個人資料以PDF檔上傳至https://reurl.cc/pWgE44 ,推薦函可上傳或請推薦人直接email或郵寄至本所,本所收件後一週內會以email通知。聯絡電話:(02)2820-4624傳真:(02)2823-5460網址: https://bioph.nycu.edu.tw/E-mail: biophotonics@ym.edu.tw地址:11221 臺北市北投區立農街二段155號新聘教師遴選委員會       (傳統醫學大樓甲棟6樓608室)四ヽ截止日期自即日起至111年3月31日 本所收件經審查後,將另行通知合適者面試。

徵才訊息 / 2022-01-22
 The International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly for 2022

The International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly for 2022

Press release – 3 December 2021 We need more basic sciences to achieve Agenda 2030 and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals. This is the message sent to the world by the United Nations General Assembly on 2 December 2021: Member States approved by consensus the resolution 76/A/L.12 promulgating the year 2022 as the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development (IYBSSD2022).With this resolution, the United Nations General Assembly ‘invites all [its] Member States, organizations of the United Nations system and other global, regional and subregional organizations, as well as other relevant stakeholders, including academia, civil society, inter alia, international and national nongovernmental organizations, individuals and the private sector, to observe and raise awareness of the importance of basic sciences for sustainable development, in accordance with national priorities’.The United Nations General Assembly motivated its decision with ‘the high value for humankind of basic sciences’, and with the fact that ‘enhanced global awareness of, and increased education in, the basic sciences is vital to attain sustainable development and to improve the quality of life for people all over the world’. It also stressed that ‘basic sciences and emerging technologies respond to the needs of humankind by providing access to information and increasing the health and well-being of individuals, communities, and societies’. The successes and difficulties of the global fight against the COVID-19 pandemic have been for two years a stark reminder of this importance of basic sciences, such as (but not limited to) biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics and anthropology.The vote is the result of the mobilization of the international scientific community, led since 2017 by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP), CERN (The European Laboratory for Particle Physics), and 26 other international scientific unions and research organizations from different parts of the world, under the auspices of UNESCO. Over 90 national and international science academies, learned societies, scientific networks, research and education centers are also supporting this initiative. They will organize events and activities all over the planet during this special year, to showcase and improve the links between basic sciences and the 17 SDGs.The resolution was proposed to the United Nations General Assembly by Honduras, and co-sponsored by 36 other countries. Its vote confirms resolution 40/C 76 adopted unanimously by UNESCO General Conference, 25 November 2019.The International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development (IYBSSD2022) will be officially inaugurated with an opening conference 30 June - 1 July 2022 at UNESCO headquarters in Paris. Events and activities will be organized around the world until 30 June 2023.Contacts:Michel Spiro, president of the Steering Committee for IYBSSD2022 – michel.spiro@iybssd2022.org Luc Allemand, secretary general of IYBSSD2022 - luc.allemand@iybssd2022.org
學會公告 / 2021-12-09
 Early Career Prizes in Semiconductor Physics awarded by the IUPAP C8 Commission on Semiconductors

Early Career Prizes in Semiconductor Physics awarded by the IUPAP C8 Commission on Semiconductors

Nominations are sought for the Early Career Prizes (previously Young Scientist Prizes) in Semiconductor Physics awarded by the IUPAP C8 Commission on Semiconductors. Two prizes are awarded biennially for outstanding contributions to semiconductor physics and its applications made by early career scientists with a maximum of 8 years of research experience (excluding career interruption) following the award of the PhD. The 8-year restriction will be measured based on the application deadline of Dec. 31, 2021. The prizes will be awarded during the 35 th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS), which is to be held in Sydney, Australia from June 26 to July 1, 2022. The Prizes include commemorative IUPAP medals and 1000 Euros each and invited oral presentations at ICPS 2022.

Nomination procedure (also found at: https://www.iupap.org)

Nominees for the Early Career Prizes must be nominated by a senior member of the research community. Self-nominations are not accepted. A nomination for the prizes must contain the followings.
• A cover letter of not more than 1000 words by the nominator evaluating the nominee’s contributions to semiconductor physics and identifying the specific work to be recognized (up to 4 publications).
• A citation for the prize (not more than 25 words).
• A short CV of the nominee (not more than 3 pages).
• A list of publications.
• Two additional letters of endorsement of the nomination, at least one of which is not from a former supervisor of the nominee.

The nomination must be prepared in English and combined into a single consolidated PDF file, which is to be sent as an email attachment to the IUPAP-C8 Commission secretary at: gplatero@icmm.csic.es, with a copy to the Commission Chair at: ydkim@khu.ac.kr.

The deadline for submissions of nominations is December 31, 2021.

Selection procedure 

The winners of the competition will be selected by the members of the IUPAP C8 Commission.

Previous Winners

2020 Cheng Gong & Michael Saliba                           
2018 Heejun Yang & Jean-Christophe Blancon
2016 Kimberly Dick Thelander & Samuel Stranks     
2014 Xiaodong Xu & Rahul Nair
2012 Alberto Amo & Young Woo Son                         
2010 Pablo Jarillo-Herrero & Yuanbo Zhang
2008 Lieven Vandersypen
活動資訊 / 2021-11-23
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