NCTS-TCA Summer Student Program 2024 理論計算天文暑期學校招生

NCTS-TCA Summer Student Program 2024 理論計算天文暑期學校招生

Purpose:The Theoretical and Computational Astrophysics (TCA) Thematic Group at the National Center for Theoretical Sciences hosts its fourth undergraduate summer student program (SSP) in 2024. This program aims to provide research experiences to undergraduate students and equip them with basic theoretical and computational skills. Students will be working under the supervision of domestic astrophysicists, on a wide range of topics from cosmology to planet formation. Frontier techniques in astronomy, problem solving skills, and numerical programming will be learned during this program. Participants are required to present their results publicly at the end of the program. Further continuation of the research project after the summer program can be possible.
July 01 - 03 (NTU): The summer program will start with a 3-day workshop (TBA). Lectures on basic astrophysics and research overview will be provided. The workshop will be announced a few weeks before the beginning of the SSP. This training course is open to the general public.July 01 - August 31: During the 2-month program, participants will work full-time on their research topics with their supervisors at respective institutes. Local activities may be arranged by the supervisors.August 29-30 (NTHU): Final public oral presentation.Please go to the website for detailed information about registration as well as descriptions for the research projects.Website: deadline: March 29th
活動資訊 / 2024-03-11


一、徵聘職稱及名額: 助理教授級或副教授級專案教師1名二、聘期:民國113年8月1日起聘,一年一聘。 (以1年為原則並配合學期(年),但申請進用期限在1年以內者,依申請期限辦理,請參閱本校校務基金進用短期專案教學人員實施要點)三、支薪標準:新聘專案教師依聘任等級,比照編制內該等級教師職務等級自最低。四、所需資格條件:1. 具博士學位,以物理或光電專業領域優先考量。2. 具英語授課能力,可全英文授課,如物理及物理實驗、基礎光學相關課程、光電實驗、工程數學等課程。3. 學、經歷證件影本(如持國外學歷者,其學位證書與成績單應先向駐外單位驗證)。五、工作內容:1. 普通物理、物理實驗為主,能支援光電系相關專業必、選修課程,每週上課時數15小時為原則,並能全英語授課。2. 課後輔導、補救教學,以及物理實驗教材編審、教具製作與專題製作相關業務。3. 支援系務行政工作及評鑑業務。六、檢附資料:履歷表等相關表件(請點選並下載,標題請改為「應徵專案教師」個人資料表;請詳填有效之聯絡電話及電子信箱)。身分證件(影本正反面)、學經歷證件影本(影本正反面)及備審資料(如持國外學歷者,其學位證書與成績單應先向駐外單位驗證)。國外學歷送審教師資格修業情形一覽表 (請至本校人事室網站下載-第8項,並一同附上移民署所核發之入出境證明)(下載連結: )填具「擬任人員聲明書」並簽章(下載連結:。如有教育部頒發之教師證書請附上影本。外籍人士並請檢附「警察刑事紀錄證明」(Police Criminal Record Certificate)。備註:1.申請人,合格者通知安排面試,不合格者恕不退件。2.意者請於113年3月31日(日)前,親送或掛號寄達(以郵戳為憑):將上述各項應徵資料備妥一份寄至:台北市忠孝東路三段一號光電工程系劉豫小姐收 (應徵光電系專案教師);※聯絡電話: 02-27712171分機4605,電子信箱。3.公告連結:,r47.php?Lang=zh-tw
徵才訊息 / 2024-02-20
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