中央研究院物理研究所為讓國內各大學學生對本所研究領域更為了解,進而激勵學生對科學研究的興趣,每年安排不同研究主題,固定辦理國內大學學生來訪參觀活動。本所今年度第一次國內大學學生參觀日即將於4月舉行,詳如下:- 參觀日期: 2024年4月27日(六) 9:50 ~17:00- 地點: 中央研究院 物理研究所 (台北市南港區研究院路2段128號)- 參觀主題: 中研院物理所 量子材料物理組 (https://www.phys.sinica.edu.tw/group.php?id=11&fid=3 ) - 報名期限:有興趣者請於2024年4月1日前線上報名(https://forms.gle/2F35vVR9Yfyeec5p7 ) 。經本所審核通過後,預計於4月15日前個別Email錄取通知。- 參觀行程:將包含該研究組研究主題介紹、研究經驗分享及實驗室參觀。名額有限,對上述研究領域有興趣之學生,歡迎盡速報名!!若有相關問題,可聯繫洪敏玲小姐 , 電話: 02-27896750
活動資訊 / 2024-03-20

【2024 年中研院物理所暑期大學生研習計畫】
中央研究院物理研究所每年固定辦理「暑期大學生研習計畫(ASIoP Summer Student Program)」,旨在鼓勵國內大學學生在暑假期間進行物理相關領域的深入學習和研究。過去幾年透過這個研習計畫,參與的同學們獲得豐富的實踐經驗,並且增加未來學術和職涯發展的廣度。研習計畫涵蓋傳統物理、中高能物理、量子材料、奈米科學、生物物理、動態物理等跨領域研究與應用,學生可以根據自己的興趣和專業方向選擇實驗室和指導老師。有關研習計畫的詳細資訊和申請方式已在中研院物理所網站公佈,請參閱計畫網站:https://www.phys.sinica.edu.tw/~summer/ 。研習計畫申請期間為 2024 年 3 月 15 日至 4 月 16 日止。誠摯地邀請有興趣的同學們踴躍申請參加。中央研究院物理研究所 敬邀
活動資訊 / 2024-03-18

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Kh Dv ... 1CWzufrM/view?usp=sharing
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Kh Dv ... 1CWzufrM/view?usp=sharing
活動資訊 / 2024-03-18

414 世界量子日於台中科博館活動開放報名囉 ~
台灣物理學會世界量子日活動將於4月14日在台中科博館舉行。誠摯邀請全國高中生來報名,限額100名,先報先贏 ~ 活動報名表單連結如下,或者請掃海報上的QR Code。 https://forms.gle/s1GUb7t7E8MATnmE7
活動資訊 / 2024-03-15

NCTS-TCA Summer Student Program 2024 理論計算天文暑期學校招生
Purpose:The Theoretical and Computational Astrophysics (TCA) Thematic Group at the National Center for Theoretical Sciences hosts its fourth undergraduate summer student program (SSP) in 2024. This program aims to provide research experiences to undergraduate students and equip them with basic theoretical and computational skills. Students will be working under the supervision of domestic astrophysicists, on a wide range of topics from cosmology to planet formation. Frontier techniques in astronomy, problem solving skills, and numerical programming will be learned during this program. Participants are required to present their results publicly at the end of the program. Further continuation of the research project after the summer program can be possible.
July 01 - 03 (NTU): The summer program will start with a 3-day workshop (TBA). Lectures on basic astrophysics and research overview will be provided. The workshop will be announced a few weeks before the beginning of the SSP. This training course is open to the general public.July 01 - August 31: During the 2-month program, participants will work full-time on their research topics with their supervisors at respective institutes. Local activities may be arranged by the supervisors.August 29-30 (NTHU): Final public oral presentation.Please go to the website for detailed information about registration as well as descriptions for the research projects.Website: https://nctstca.github.io/events/202407-tcassp/Registration deadline: March 29th
July 01 - 03 (NTU): The summer program will start with a 3-day workshop (TBA). Lectures on basic astrophysics and research overview will be provided. The workshop will be announced a few weeks before the beginning of the SSP. This training course is open to the general public.July 01 - August 31: During the 2-month program, participants will work full-time on their research topics with their supervisors at respective institutes. Local activities may be arranged by the supervisors.August 29-30 (NTHU): Final public oral presentation.Please go to the website for detailed information about registration as well as descriptions for the research projects.Website: https://nctstca.github.io/events/202407-tcassp/Registration deadline: March 29th
活動資訊 / 2024-03-11

任職於物理科學相關科系的大學教授們,請盡快「報名、登記行程、訂車票、開啟行程提醒」,以確保您的參與。這是一個免費的盛會,名額有限,絕對是大學教授們教學充電的年度重要活動。報名網址:【活動資訊】活動時間:113年5月11日(星期六)09:30~16:30 辦理地點:台中高鐵站 集思會議中心 巴本廳 參加對象:任職於大專校院物理科學相關科系的大學教授/授課內容為程式設計、數據模擬、數據分析者 報名時間:即日起至113年5月3日(星期五)12:00止 報名方式:請透過網路報名,名額為50位,額滿即止報名網址:https://www.surveycake.com/s/ay7WK?fbc ... SvC-zJGSrhgoInCSFyu1XDz8E
活動資訊 / 2024-03-07

2024年台灣之夜 Taiwan Night at APS March Meeting
【誠摯邀請物理人參加2024 Taiwan Night】2024年Taiwan Night 「台灣之夜」將於2024年03月04日傍晚於美國明尼亞波里斯Hyatt Regency Minneapolis隆重舉辦。海內外物理界台灣人與國際友人共聚一堂並深度交流,這將是一場盛會,期待您的光臨!日期:2024年3月4日時間:16:30 ~ 19:00地點:2F Regency Room, Hyatt Regency Minneapolis, Minnesota1300 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, MN 55403, USA註冊連結: https://reurl.cc/eLkXaW
活動資訊 / 2024-02-07

第16屆粒子加速器國際會議(16th International Particle Accelerator Conference, IPAC) 是全球粒子加速器產學界的重大盛會,每年在歐洲、美洲及亞太地區輪流舉辦,會議內容涵蓋最先進的加速器研究與發展,以及世界各地加速器設施的運轉近況與動向。期待您的參與。 一、會議日期:2025年6月1- 6日(週日-週五)二、會議地點:台北國際會議中心(TICC)- 會議演講 台北世貿展覽館(TWTC)A區- 壁報展示、參展廠商三、與會人員:來自世界各國粒子加速器相關領域的專家學者、學生與廠商四、與會人數:約1000 - 1200人五、主辦單位:國家同步輻射研究中心 協辦單位:國家科學及技術委員會(國科會)第16屆粒子加速器國際會議官方網站: https://ipac25.org/
活動資訊 / 2024-02-02

The 10th Biomedical Imaging and Sensing Conference (BISC2024)
Date: 2024/4/22~4/26Call for Papers Deadline: 2023/12/18
Site: https://opicon.jp/conferences/bisc/活動宣傳正式開跑,細節請點閱網址。
Date: 2024/4/22~4/26Call for Papers Deadline: 2023/12/18
Site: https://opicon.jp/conferences/bisc/活動宣傳正式開跑,細節請點閱網址。
活動資訊 / 2023-11-10

Kronos Research 2023 校園說明會
【Kronos Research 2023 校園說明會】#揭開量化交易世界的神秘面紗#你是數學或程式高手嗎?
Who we are- 從華爾街到台灣,紮根台灣、邁向世界的故事What we do- 了解技術創新的過程,能如何塑造金融市場的新面貌Imagine being a quant- 畢業學長姐經驗談,理工科系如何發揮所長除了知識的分享,我們還準備了:
精彩抽獎活動,Apple Watch、AirPods、HomePod Mini 等你帶回家美味精緻餐盒,治癒期中考後的你精美實用紀念品,人人有獎活動資訊 - 台北場
日期:2023/11/9 (Thu.)時間:19:00~21:00 (18:30入場)地點:台灣大學德田館 103演講廳報名表單:https://forms.gle/Notmc92vPXqWWShB7 <<我們將於收到報名表單後陸續寄發報名確認郵件,請留意電子信箱;活動當天請憑學生證及報名確認信入場>>More informationWebsite:https://kronosresearch.com/join-us Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/kronosresearch/ LinkedIn:https://www.linkedin.com/company/kronosresearch/
Who we are- 從華爾街到台灣,紮根台灣、邁向世界的故事What we do- 了解技術創新的過程,能如何塑造金融市場的新面貌Imagine being a quant- 畢業學長姐經驗談,理工科系如何發揮所長除了知識的分享,我們還準備了:
精彩抽獎活動,Apple Watch、AirPods、HomePod Mini 等你帶回家美味精緻餐盒,治癒期中考後的你精美實用紀念品,人人有獎活動資訊 - 台北場
日期:2023/11/9 (Thu.)時間:19:00~21:00 (18:30入場)地點:台灣大學德田館 103演講廳報名表單:https://forms.gle/Notmc92vPXqWWShB7 <<我們將於收到報名表單後陸續寄發報名確認郵件,請留意電子信箱;活動當天請憑學生證及報名確認信入場>>More informationWebsite:https://kronosresearch.com/join-us Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/kronosresearch/ LinkedIn:https://www.linkedin.com/company/kronosresearch/
活動資訊 / 2023-10-17

First Circular on Asia-Pacific Conference on Condensed Matter Physics 2023, November 26th to 29th, 2023
On behalf of the AAPPS Division of Condensed Matter Physics (DCMP), the Physical Society located in Taipei (TPS), National Dong Hwa University (NDHU) and National Taiwan University (NTU), we are pleased to invite you to attend the Asia-Pacific Condensed Matter Physics Conference 2023 (AC2MP 2023). The AC2MP 2023 is the third meeting of its series and aims to gather experts from the condensed matter physics field and related communities in the Asian-Oceanic region. Through the conference, we hope to foster international collaborations and contribute to the expansion of knowledge in the field. The conference will be held in-person at the venue in Hualien, which is located in eastern Taiwan. Bordered by the Pacific Ocean and close to the Central Mountain Range, Hualien is one of the most scenic areas in Taiwan. We hope this will provide an excellent opportunity for networking and engaging in fruitful discussions with professionals. We sincerely welcome you to join us at the AC2MP 2023. We believe your presence and active participation will enrich the conference and contribute to the promotion of international exchange in condensed matter physics. You can find more information on the conference official website: https://ac2mp2023hualien.ps-taiwan.org/. We look forward to seeing you at the conference. Ying-Jer KaoProfessor/PresidentNational Taiwan University/The Physical Society located in TaipeiChair of the AC2MP 2023 Organizing CommitteeHiroyuki NojiriProfessorInstitute for Materials Research, Tohoku UniversityCo-Chair of the AC2MP 2023 Organizing CommitteeKwang-Yong ChoiProfessorSung Kyun Kwan UniversityCo-Chair of the AC2MP 2023 Organizing Committee
活動資訊 / 2023-08-21