中興大學物理系 誠徵專任教師一名

中興大學物理系 誠徵專任教師一名

公告主旨:中興大學物理系 誠徵專任教師一名(112年11月05日截件)組  別:物理系公告日期:112年10月03日公告內容:資格及領域:具物理或相關領域博士學位,以實驗專長優先。職稱:助理教授(含)以上。起聘日期:2024年8月1日。收件截止日期:2023年11月5日。申請人請先填寫表單,並在表單最後上傳申請書(1個PDF檔及10MB限定)。表單連結:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1t1Mv- ... STpPTV-A6R-mdLL7A4wk/edit在表單中,申請人須提供至少一篇代表作或專利(限2019年以後,最多五篇)。填寫其代表作或專利之1.網路連結,2.作者,3.著作名稱,4.期刊名稱、卷(期)頁次與出版年份,5. (非必要,但請盡量提供,可部分提供)期刊專業領域、 排名/期刊總數、影響係數及引用次數。上傳之申請書須包含且依下列資訊排列:1.個人學術簡歷,2.發表著作列表(請勿附上著作全文),3.未來研究規劃,4.三位推薦人資訊(申請時不用寄送推薦信),5.教學規劃。重要事項:(1)填完表單並上傳申請書後,我們將在一星期內,把確認信寄到表單中您填寫的email。若在一星期內,沒有收到我們的通知,請來信 recruit@phys.nchu.edu.tw。(2)若表單中有填錯,或想要更新表單內容,請直接來信至recruit@phys.nchu.edu.tw 告知欲更改的內容。(3)若有任何疑問,請在上班時間致電物理系系辦(04)22840427,或是以email聯絡:recruit@phys.nchu.edu.twFaculty Positions in Department of Physics National Chung Hsing University (NCHU), Taichung, TaiwanThe Department of Physics invites applications for one faculty positions at all ranks beginning in August 2024. The position requires a doctorate degree in physics or related areas. Applicants with research focus in experimental physics are preferred; exceptionally qualified candidates may also be considered.Applicant should fill out an application form and upload the application materials by November 5, 2023 via the link:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1t1Mv- ... STpPTV-A6R-mdLL7A4wk/editThe application form contains personal information, selected publications and references. For the publication section, one has to provide at least one scientific research paper, but no more than five, published in recent five years (namely not earlier than 2019), with 1. link to the publication; 2. authors; 3. title; 4. journal, volume, page number, and year; 5. (optional) categories of journal, ranking, impact factor, and citation. For the application materials, please prepare one PDF file, not bigger than 10MB, including (1) curriculum vitae, (2) a complete list of publications (but not full text of any publication), (3) research statements, (4) a list of three references, and (5) teaching plans.A confirmation letter will be sent to your email address within one week after you finish application on-line. If you do not receive the confirmation, please contact with us via telephone: +886 (4) 22840427 or email: recruit@phys.nchu.edu.tw.
徵才訊息 / 2023-10-03
 中興大學奈米科學研究所 誠徵專任教師一名

中興大學奈米科學研究所 誠徵專任教師一名

資格及領域:具奈米、光電、材料相關領域博士學位。職稱:助理教授(含)以上。起聘日期:2024年8月1日。收件截止日期:2023年11月5日。申請人請先填寫表單,並在表單最後上傳申請書(1個PDF檔及10MB限定)。表單連結:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Fd8ug ... NrBY0-32NbtDNh1Tm6L4/edit 在表單中,申請人須提供至少一篇代表作或專利(限2019年以後,最多五篇)。填寫其代表作或專利之1.網路連結,2.作者,3.著作名稱,4.期刊名稱、卷(期)頁次與出版年份,5. (非必要,但請盡量提供,可部分提供)期刊專業領域、 排名/期刊總數、影響係數及引用次數。上傳之申請書須包含且依下列資訊排列:1.個人學術簡歷,2.發表著作列表(請勿附上著作全文),3.未來研究規劃,4.三位推薦人資訊(申請時不用寄送推薦信),5.教學規劃。重要事項:(1)填完表單並上傳申請書後,我們將在一星期內,把確認信寄到表單中您填寫的email。若在一星期內,沒有收到我們的通知,請來信 inano@phys.nchu.edu.tw。(2)若表單中有填錯,或想要更新表單內容,請直接來信至inano@phys.nchu.edu.tw 告知欲更改的內容。(3)若有任何疑問,請在上班時間致電奈米所所辦(04)22840466,或是以email聯絡:inano@phys.nchu.edu.twFaculty Positions in Institute of Nanoscience National Chung Hsing University (NCHU), Taichung, TaiwanThe Institute of Nanoscience invites applications for one faculty positions at all ranks beginning in August 2024. The position requires a doctorate degree in Nanotechnology, Optoelectronics, and Materials Science or related areas.Applicant should fill out an application form and upload the application materials by November 5, 2023 via the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Fd8ug ... NrBY0-32NbtDNh1Tm6L4/edit The application form contains personal information, selected publications and references. For the publication section, one has to provide at least one scientific research paper, but no more than five, published in recent five years (namely not earlier than 2019), with 1. link to the publication; 2. authors; 3. title; 4. journal, volume, page number, and year; 5. (optional) categories of journal, ranking, impact factor, and citation. For the application materials, please prepare one PDF file, not bigger than 10MB, including (1) curriculum vitae, (2) a complete list of publications (but not full text of any publication), (3) research statements, (4) a list of three references, and (5) teaching plans.A confirmation letter will be sent to your email address within one week after you finish application on-line. If you do not receive the confirmation, please contact with us via telephone: +886 (4) 22840466 or email: inano@phys.nchu.edu.tw.
徵才訊息 / 2023-10-03
 First Circular on Asia-Pacific Conference on Condensed Matter Physics 2023, November 26th to 29th, 2023

First Circular on Asia-Pacific Conference on Condensed Matter Physics 2023, November 26th to 29th, 2023

On behalf of the AAPPS Division of Condensed Matter Physics (DCMP), the Physical Society located in Taipei (TPS), National Dong Hwa University (NDHU) and National Taiwan University (NTU), we are pleased to invite you to attend the Asia-Pacific Condensed Matter Physics Conference 2023 (AC2MP 2023). The AC2MP 2023 is the third meeting of its series and aims to gather experts from the condensed matter physics field and related communities in the Asian-Oceanic region. Through the conference, we hope to foster international collaborations and contribute to the expansion of knowledge in the field. The conference will be held in-person at the venue in Hualien, which is located in eastern Taiwan. Bordered by the Pacific Ocean and close to the Central Mountain Range, Hualien is one of the most scenic areas in Taiwan. We hope this will provide an excellent opportunity for networking and engaging in fruitful discussions with professionals. We sincerely welcome you to join us at the AC2MP 2023. We believe your presence and active participation will enrich the conference and contribute to the promotion of international exchange in condensed matter physics. You can find more information on the conference official website: https://ac2mp2023hualien.ps-taiwan.org/. We look forward to seeing you at the conference. Ying-Jer KaoProfessor/PresidentNational Taiwan University/The Physical Society located in TaipeiChair of the AC2MP 2023 Organizing CommitteeHiroyuki NojiriProfessorInstitute for Materials Research, Tohoku UniversityCo-Chair of the AC2MP 2023 Organizing CommitteeKwang-Yong ChoiProfessorSung Kyun Kwan UniversityCo-Chair of the AC2MP 2023 Organizing Committee 
活動資訊 / 2023-08-21
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